Our project

Rostov State University of Economics
Year of establishment
Role in the project
National coordinator for Russia
Number of students
Type of Institution
Founded in 1931, Rostov State University of Economics has considerable academic and research
potential which ensures high standards of competitive historically based education in Economics
and Management at the federal level and overseas. About 23000 students study at RSUE. The
university develops in line with its internationalization strategy and provides education to over
750 foreign students from 30 countries. It forms a number of international associations, namely
ASECU, ASECU Youth, BSEMAN, International network AML/CFT Institute. RSUE is an active
participant of European programs Erasmus+, especially in Capacity Building Projects in the field of
higher education and Erasmus+ Mobility Projects. The university is proud of having highly
qualified academic staff: 585 PhDs, Associate Professors, and 183 Doctors, Professors. RSUE offers
over 150 bachelor, specialist, master, PhD and doctorate educational programs. At present, the
University provides training in Social Sciences & Business Administration, Technology,
Mathematics & Computer Sciences, Arts & Humanities, and Education. RSUE cares both for
keeping best traditions of Russian education and implementing advanced educational
technologies, scientific schools and research potential based on best world practices.
Legal Representative

Prof. Dr.
Elena Makarenko
Rector of Rostov State University of Economics
+7 (863) 263-30-80
Head of International Office

Ph.D., Associate Professor
Oleg Bodiagin
Project Coordinator from University
+7(863) 237-02-53
Head of International Projects Office

Milena Balanova

Dr. (Econ.), Professor
Evgeny Tishchenko
Dean of the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Information Security

PhD, Associate Professor
Tatiana Toropova
Vice-Rector for Education Programs Advancement

PhD, Associate Professor
Elena Efimova
Head of the Department of Information Technologies and Information Security